Keeping Pups in my kennels that are on a concrete slab gets messy real quick, so im wanting to move them to a 25x30 kennel which is on the ground. my question is what (if anything) could u put on your grass/ground to prevent puppies from getting parvo? My yard has a history of killing pups do to parvo and I'm curious to see if there's any type of remedy to wipe it out. Thanks
IMOi raise all my pups on the ground . i also keep the mother with them until their first shot . worming them every 2 weeks from birth with Nimex.. i hit the mother good with wormer and heart worm before breeding too .. never had a problem until this year .. the only difference was the gyp stayed on her chain in the yard with the other dogs , i usally keep the gyp on a chain in the back the house .. keeps her stress down i find ..
but this year i saved one off a litter of 8 due to a new strain of parvo "from what my ole man said" hits the real early and you see no side effectes to catch it in time . one day the pups are all fat , hydrated & health , the next day they dropping off like flies !
if i was you , knowing you've had parvo in the yard already i wouldn't put'em down until you give them their first set of shots .. and once you do , keep it clean ..