« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2012, 02:03:04 pm » |
The argument of "if you don't like _____, then leave" or "if you don't like _____, then go back to your home" are weak arguments. Debate is fundamental in this country, unlike many of the countries "we" tend to rail against. So disagreeing is not a basis to leave.
Noah is right about "smells". Cultures vary. Even cultures within our country. Consider for a moment the many ethic groups within the U.S. with different "smells". Heck, think about native indians.
There is some handsoap that is dispensed where my wife works ... and she washes her hands with. Drive me out of a room. Literally, I leave. I find it offensive. Of course, she then gets offended that I express my displeasure ... and I end up in a no win situation. So I guess even within subsets of a culture, where there is no cultural variance ... smells can still be offensive.
What we need to focus on is what we have in common. Are they good people? Are they trying to provide for the families? Are they trust worthy? Etc.