now lets come to america. do you think its fare for americans to be denide government loans for a business, but yet a a completely new immigrant can get a 7yr grant or loan to open up a business, paid by yours and my tax dollars? there are to many bleeding hearts out there that say, well they are of a poor and uneducated culture (not race), when yet there are americans who come from poor and illiterate backgrounds, some choose to be that way, and some are born into it with no hope of getting ahead, because of a viscious cycle of the wealthy keeping the little man down. the poor always getting screwed over by the rich. always have, always will. does money make them better than those that dont have money? only for education, living conditions and just plain living in its own, but as a person, are they better, do they have better values, are they honest hard workers, or just honest thieves with money and power over the poor?
No, I do not think it is fair. But all of us have long, long, very long lists of things the government does that we do not think is fair, right, or appropriate. It is frustrating.
As to the poor comment. It is simply hell to be poor and probably worse to be born to poor people. I know. I was. My wife still does not understand why I think pinto beans is a complete meal. The most critical thing that allowed me to escape that cycle of poverty was an education.