" Afganis defeated the Russian army back then when Russia was still the Soviet Union, and therefore huge and powerful. That should give us a good clue that they will not be defeated by anyone. "
Just for the factual record the Afgans were having there a$$e$ handed to them by the Russians, a " Texas " sen. or congressman can't remember his office named Charlie Wilson came into the mix, then uncle sam funded, armed and fueled the afgan's and THEN they began to win, on there own they were being crushed by the Russians. We really didn't care about the afgan people, it was pay back for the Russian's funding the north vietcong back in the day. There beatable and if our military was unleashed with out restraint you would soon see that.
RL- Exactly how do Native Americans or native indians as you called them smell exactly? I'd love to hear

Sage? Cedar oil? Corn?