« on: April 13, 2012, 08:44:43 pm » |
I try not to let my pups chase nothing but a hog till they are old enough to know hogs is what that they are after , show them hogs an send them to bayed hogs an turn them loose on hogs , after they love chasing hogs an have been on a few then they gonna get the smack down put on them for barking or chasing something that's not a hog , if you are hunting along while an not hitting a hog I try to pick pups up before they get bord an jump trash I will leave older dog out till he starts acting piggy then let pups out again , most dogs will leArn that hogs are what they are after , I have one dog that will not bark at a skunk but will kill one an keep hunting he knows he can kill it an get away from it with out barking an he will keep goin hunting , my catch dog is prolly the smartest dog I got or least hard headed , I showed him hogs , an after that showed him horses cows goats an possums an such if he showed any intrested in chasesing it was but whoopin time , now he won't look at a possum he runs from them , horses he will stay as close to me as he can away from them he will go around them to get to a bay but other than that he dosent want withing 200 yards of one , it takes a little time I would rather have a trashy young dog any day rather than have one that anit gettin out an finding anything