« on: April 19, 2012, 02:15:19 pm » |
Put the pup in a pen with a dog that will bay. Use a small hog, smaller than the pup to build confiedence. Dont spend a lot of time in the bay pen. Just enough to for the pup to bay or show interest. After you get him/her baying in a pen. I cant stress enough. Mock hunts really get a dog going in the right direction. You control the hunt.
Just drag a hog thorough the woods and tie it up to a tree. Or just hobble it and let the pup work the track. Be sure to wear rubber boots so the pup doesnt track your scent when dragging a hog. Stay doing that till it becomes easier and easier for the pup to find the hog.
Then let the pup run with older more experience dogs in the woods.