"Finsihed", "started" "good" "turnout" "Alot", "a couple" are only relative terms by which each individual is using them. One persons idea of a finished dog is a dog thats finally finding hogs on its own, (yeah, not mine but I a few days ago talked to a breeder that was calling several young dogs finished so I had to ask) then many from this forum do not consider a dog finished until the dog can no longer reach a state of improvement.
So there fore saying well "EVERYDOG I EVER TRAINED TURNED OUT" I guess I could make that claim, they all turned out to eat out of a feed bowl and crap out a pile a crap and most would bark at a hog, (even the chi-weenies) so does that make me a good dog trainer?
I will tell you I can train a dog to consistently go 50-60 yards away, (
this is WORST CASE SCENARIO DOG) its called obedience and conditioning, I can teach a dog to track and trail and do alot of
conditioned responsesBUT-
I WONT, because IF I have to TRAIN A DOG TO DO THIS
IT HAS NO BUSINESS BEING IN THE WOODS. I should NOT have to TEACH what come NATURAL to so many others. I have been a trainer for along time and cant stand it I rather work off of physcology and behaviors, what comes natural to a dog being a dog. If it dont have it fine, I am not going to make you.
YOU ARE RUINING OUR HUNTING IF YOU TELL PEOPLE YOU TEACH A DOG TO GO AGAINST ITS WILL. I TELL NUTS AND FRUITCakes all time I can train adog to do about anything but I can teach them to want to be a hunting dog, and want to run with a pack. EVERY Time a PETA FREAK says WE MAKE OUR DOGS TEAR APART WILD HOGS and FIGHT THOSE POOR INNOCENT HOGS, you are feeding them more fuel to help them believe their own made-up LIES.