Mr.Reuben , i keep mine on chains . i think its alot easier on their bodys and them stay toned .. the cement in my dad's kennel is hard on his dogs legs , and the tips of their tail stay bleeding for running back and fouth.. but it does keep their pads on their feet tough ..
i spred a bag of Yeild Gaurd pellets all over the yard once ever 2-3 months .. the dirt holds fleas more then the cement .. i also rack at let 2-3 times a year.. i feed Black Gold and the waste is rock by 2 days , and their chain handles that .. Shade is a big must when useing a chain setup .. you can have all the water you want , no shade in 112 degree heat with 100% humdity will strock'um quick .. i also wet their spots when it gets dusty , this clay packs down and almost looks like pavement .. i also check chain, swivel & snapps pertty offten ..get a lil sloppy to feed walking in the mud some times when it rains, but the dogs stay clean guess they stay inside for the most part .. think i might have had to change 4 or 5 in 6 years .. other then the wetting down , Flea Control & racking .. it's very mainence free for the most part ..
My chain setup My father is a firm believer in Ol Roy .. he has more waste but he built his kennel on the bank of a cannal .. he hoses off daily and dont have a problem with fleas , it stays very cool and that cement stays real cool .. he sprayes clorox maybe one a month or right before he has a litter of pups ..
Ole man's kennel