« on: May 08, 2012, 09:58:05 pm » |
My first hog hunt was the night of the first day of my first job out of college. My boss came over to the house I was staying in. He asked if I wanted to go hog hunting. I agreed and we went to his truck. We went to the kennels and pulled 7 big cur dogs out and loaded them into the truck. We drve the 22 miles to cedar bayou and crossed onto matagorda island. He is on the hog permit over there. We dropped the dogs and after a while heard the dogs barking. We drove to the bay and the dogs had a 100 lb sow caught. He handed me his knife and I stabbed her. I was so pumped I put a pinch of snuff ontop of my snuff. After that night I went every chance I could. 10 years later Im still at it.