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Author Topic: YOUR FIRST HOG KILL  (Read 4344 times)
Boar Slayer
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« on: May 09, 2012, 08:01:15 pm »

First hog I caught it was about 4 years ago and it was the middle of December. It was just me and a cowboy I roped with that had dogs. We turned out, drive across a river, and suddenly there are no more dogs in the headlights  Huh??? He stops the truck and cracks the window were we can just hear outside. Then a ton of splashing and howling and yipping and growling and barking in the water. While its 35 degrees outside. My buddy said get that bulldog out of the back and hold the leash TIGHT! So I did and that was the first time I had been pulled around by a stinking dog. Lol. We walk along the river bank and Alton is about 20 yds in front of me and he shines his light over the river and he just hollers "HOLY $h!t that's a big one!" " Send the bulldOg send her send her send her!!! Give her to me my lord boy you can't un snap a leash!?"... Grin well the bulldog finds a way down and slams this 280 pound boar. Then he starts cuttin down every dog there. Every dog got cut to hell.... The bulldog went and layed under a tree. And she's a Dam good bulldog... I ran back to the truck and got an old rope so I could see Wat I could do to help. After pulling my loop off his head about three times I learned hogs dont have much of a neck. At all. Lol. All this time I don't know where Alton is. Then I hear him start cussing like a sailor. I go "Wat happened!!!!" while I'm on the bank he found a way down to the river. He said "I f***ing chipped my tooth on my f***ing flash light"  Cheesy. Then I try to find a way down. Oh ya I'm 13 at the time.... And I hear him yell "I got him I got him....... $H!T I don't got him!"...... "GOT HIM!!!" ...... I get there and he hands me the back leg of a wild freakin hog  Shocked and half of him is under water. I think ok he wants to drown him...Huh? So I keep him under water. He wasn't fighting hardly so I thought I could handle it. He's catching dogs. Then turns around and goes "NO NO GIMMIE THAT HOG GET HIS HEAD UP!!!" Lips Sealed. He grabs the hogs ear and holds it up.... That was his last breath....

Seth Gillespie
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