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Author Topic: Runnin hogs or time to raise the bar?  (Read 3189 times)
T-Bob Parker
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2012, 10:08:43 pm »

T bob,i think the term "raise the bar" is a good one to use. The reason i say this is...... from the day hogs were realased into the wild and became "feral" they have continuously adapted to or overcome most obstacles that would normally force other species to be rapidly thinned out or at least kept at a controlled number. One of the the things they have "adapted to" is us dog hunters and in a scense they "set the bar" first by figuring out that running long distances would more than likely keep them out of harms way,i guess what i am saying is YES, it is our turn to "raise the bar" and change it up a bit by utilizing rougher dogs and running catchdogs before they all become runners,thats what keeps it intersting.......changing and succeeding where others have failed.

I agree to some extent but don't feel more butt biters are the be all end all. If they work for some that's great, but it's not what I'm headed towards.

We don't have to agree though, that's what I'm getting at. We should all set a goal for ourselves and not take our eyes off of it until we clearly see that we are wrong. If the evidence shows we are right, then full steam ahead.

Windows Down, Waylon Up.
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