T-Bob...reading between the lines...correct me if I am wrong...but your goal is to breed a good and silent hunting dog that windmills and bays hogs and does not pressure the hog or hogs...but does all it can to turn the hog back to the other bunched up hogs if one tries to break...or... if it is a lone hog to stop it and then back up and bay...keeping it as non-threatening as possible for the hog...kind of like a good cow dog...that is what I believe is the best hog dog out there day in and day out....this dog has grit to fight a hog but at the same time it is genetics that gives him the desire and inclination to keep the hog stopped...and the desire to do this is greater than the desire to fight the hog...
Mr Rueben, that is the dog I have in my goal, however if I could add one more trait to the list it would be the knowledge to watch me and adjust position and pressure per my movements, I can hiss the dogs in to catch now. I have one who I can smooch and talk to and she will let one bust out of something I don't want to get into and/or drive them closer to me. What I would love to see long run is to have a yard of dogs that would drive hogs like the old days curs + take commands like modern bomb squad dogs.
Pipe dreams maybe, but aim small miss small.
I agree that this is the perfect hog dog but we are talking about the overall big picture in general...It would take several pages to describe the fine details that make a hunting/hog dog...
The truth as how I see it...most cow dogs don't have the nose or hunt and range that I like...but they have the smarts to keep a hog bayed...
A large mtn cur of 55-60 pounds is what I like...the good ones have range, nose, and the ability to find a hog pretty quick...but they were bred to catch and kill game...but generally...from what I have seen... is that 1 or 2 of these type of dogs will keep one bayed...more than that and it is caught or stopped because the dogs were able to manuever and keep him stopped or caught...the desire is to catch and not to keep one bayed...but these dogs will catch and let go as they get tired... but once I got there they would catch...but I made them back up until I was ready...later, I carried a gun because I didn't want a dead or crippled dog.
but I like the mtn cur and their type of personalities match up with mine a little better...it is more of a kill or be killed type of mentality...

unleashing an uncontrolled... yet controlled power...don't ask to explain it...