Because I am new to this and still tryin to figure it all out I want everyone that reeads this to understand that I'm not saying that this is the way it is everywhere, but this is what I see ! Maybe I can learn something from you more experienced guys with your more experienced dogs. I deal with runners all the time !I don't usually get em. I have seen a hog actually bayed only one time in Ohio. When I say one time I mean a bay that didn't break and I actually walked into a bay where hogs were holding for a dog. Normally what I see is hogs runnin from our wind, even from a couple hundred yards, or dog locates hog, barks twice, hog starts runnin and dogs start chasin. This goes on for miles and miles and miles and at some point ya just wanna grab the dogs and go! Now this happens if I have my hound cross with me cause he has the bottom you talk about. He won't stop till he falls over ! Now I know for fact that when these hogs start runnin I'm probly not gona get it. I've seen the hog stay bout a mile ahead of the dogs and stay there all day long ! If my dogs grab a hog when they first find it, and I mean grab it and hold it , I can get that hog. This is the only way I have been able to get one ?? They have to slip in quiet and catch it ! Now, I know from all u guys that there are dogs that can find one and keep it bayed without catching, my dogs can do that too ,like when I took em to G.A. My dogs did good. But these hogs in Ohio need a dog like yur talkin bout cause all these hogs here are runners, even the little ones, they are different than those hogs in GA. Please don't tell me they aren't because its a fact. Everythings different here ! So, if anyone can show me one of these dogs your talkin bout I will pay big big bucks for it ! Or maybe you can give some tips on makin one. Long story short, in ohio its straight catch or no pork !