Reuben , the hog you described is all I have here. No floppy ears at all. Tall shouldered , little ass. Looks like the tazmanian devil on the old bugs bunny cartoons. T bob, I am not offended, I have not had many dogs, first dog I had was silent, short ranged and would grab any hog we found big or small. The bird bull I have now is pretty good at locating a hog but he won't touch one without help. As soon as he barrks at it its off like a deer and yes I'm not exxagerating when I say these hogs will get out a mile past the dogs ! The hound cross I mentioned will stay on that track all day but its rare that we ever get in catching range again. Now I love the sounds of the dog yur talkin about, yes sir I want one !!!!! My dogs did real good down south but up here it's just different ! I am in southern ohio near athens. If your in ohio I woill gladly put ya up while yur here. I would appreciate the oppotunity to learn first hand from ya.