« on: May 26, 2012, 06:13:16 pm » |
I would go with an escort magnum. imo it is by far the best cheaper auto out there. Now it don't shoot the 3 1/2 magnums but I can shoot the stoutest 3 inchers and have the lightest dove load right behind it or vise versa and it cycles. I love mine bought a 20 also I liked my 12 so much. Picked up my 20 for just over 200 at a pawn shop. Think my 12 cost 350 maybe 400 but I can shoot the loads remingtons can't el walfart chepos and my buddys remingtons won't lol. High end I would stay away from the gun that took the sbe II place don't remember what it is called but it kicks like a freaking mule. Looked cool but bruised the everliving number 2 out of me.