i did 13yrs of military service and there have mulitiple times when i saw a loosing battle, deployed and stateside, but i didnt desert and leave the military. i was getting motared 1 day and could see the men and tube, but was told to hold on and try not and get hit. 2 more rounds and my tower would have been dialed in and the 3rd round woulda hit. i didnt pack my bag and leave, nor did i say screw it when i was on leave and choose not to go back over. desertion back then was a killing offence, and which he almost got killed for it, but his friend chose not to pull the trigger. common sence aint to common, less now than back then, but again his pig was stolen, which took food out of the mc coy's family mouth. 2 wrong dont make a right, except in math and english. i was married to a mccoy, probably NO relation to the mccoys up there so there is no favoratism, key word is WAS. desertion and condoning desertion is pathetic and sorry. i would enjoy seeing this country fall and anarchy set in and a battle ensue to gain control back from our government, then see how many die from desertion. we all have had to make sacrafices, but i guess for some, as long as they are not making the sacrafice, then its ok.