Would like to hear ways you have gotten a dog to trust and accept you as its new owner. I got a new female a few weeks back. Waiting for her to accept me. Would like to hear do s and dont s from experience. She will load and un load fine. Will also come when called. I am working to get beyond the average bond with her. Those of you who get that,please respond. She isn't your typical dog,hard to discribe.
Takes time, Sometimes longer with certain dogs. Catch a few hogs with her and she will get better and know she can count on you to do your job if that makes sence. I owned a BlackMouth years ago that was hard to bond with. A buddy of mine raised her and i hunted with her for the 1st year of her life. I bought her and loaded her up, got home and she growled at me when i got her out of the box and after a year or so she was my buddy. She would not come to anyone else when hunting except my wife. I swear sometimes she would stop and look back at me to make sure i was coming into the bay behind her. Caught lots and lots of hogs with her. I had to earn her respect i believe. She ended up one of my Top 3 dogs ever. She just died last year at 11..Miss that dog every day.