« on: June 26, 2012, 01:05:08 pm » |
I have had one or 2 quit or let go , that's the last tine they got a chance to do that , I have to believe in my bulldog 100% I don't want it to let go at all My main cd I had him go over a mile to a broken bay an caught an was caught for a good 20 or so min an cut all up but was still standing there caught when I finally got there , an I expect any cd of mine to try as hard as it can to catch an hold hog an not let , but getting shook off or drug off is different than letting go , so you have to be sure of the diffence ,
Another thing I have noticed is if you have a cd pup 8 weeks or so it will usually catch a small pig , an not bay it I have noticed if they bay they are usually the ones that regroup or let go this is just my observation may not be right but just what I have noticed