« on: July 05, 2012, 08:55:11 pm » |
had a hound mix i picked up from the pound. had blue eyes so i was think it had some spotted fever. she would strike out of the box even before i let her out. she was fixed which i hated. when i would drop her i would do it after all the other dogs and it was like she knew where to take the pups for a pig. lost her at a good age to a freak accident. still have a picture of her and her one out pig she caught on her own.
juno was a pit i had that was real leggy and was my main RCD. she had the speed and stamina to stay with my dogs and outrun many of my hounds. after a while she wouldnt need a vest cause she learned she could pull herself into the pig and not get cut. smart as a whip and taught me alot about aspects of hog dogging.
Matt H Cleveland, OH