i'll have pups that i work driving a [ hog hide drag ] line to a CAGED shoat hidden in the woods at 4 months old . it is alot of fun for both the pups and me . the pups enjoy the training , but i never let them run a pig that is turned loose till they are about 6 months old . no point in it . i have had them at around 4.5 to 5 months leave the drag and bay wild hogs that i didn't expect to be there . but keep it fun for YOU and the PUPS . relax take your time texas will never run out of hogs lol don't expect or judge your dogs on their performance until they are dogs . and i've never worked or trained a catchdog to do anything but lead and load the rest just comes natural if they are bred right .
nice one halfbreed maybe thats what i shoud have said instead of my think about it quote