Saltydog Catahoulas
« on: July 12, 2012, 09:40:57 am » |
Great question, BA. The way that works for me--------- NEVER wean pups just because they are 5-6 weeks old. Wean them only when they develope enough confidence to leave their mother and go explore. I play with my puppies so they develope confidence in me. It's all about confidence. The pups that do not go to the woods until they are 4-6 months are already handi-capped and behind.
Realise what "windows" are. Example: Windows of opportunity--young puppies are wide open to accept many things--few things bother them and they easily overcome the things that DO spook them. As a puppy grows up, these "windows" close up. Have you heard of the old dog set in his ways? Don't believe me? Take a 6 week old puppy to Pet Smart (or Tractor Supply), then take your year old dog to Pet Smart. You will probably have to drag the older dog through the door, and he will "dread" the whole experience, tail tucked and pissing himself. Yet the 6 week old pup will have his tail up and want to meet everybody. Take advantage of "windows"---they close up as a puppy ages.
I take my puppies well away from the other dogs and I start shooting around my puppies when they are 5-6 weeks old with a .22. I make sure that I am not in eyesight of any dogs that maybe gunshy, as puppies pick up on the reaction of other older dogs. I will fire off a round and immediatly drop down and play with my pups--pshic them up. Pretty soon they think a gun shot is cool--it becomes positive not negative. Do this with older dogs, and you will probably have gunshy dogs. Windows of opportunity.
I take the whole litter for short walks in the woods when they are 5-6 weeks old. I will stop and all the puppies will sit down and watch me. I do not make eye contact with them or say anything--just ignore them. Bump them down if they jump on me. It might take a minute or two, but pretty soon, ONE of those pups will get up and leave, folowing his curiosity and his nose. He just made my "A" team. Soon another will follow suit. The last to leave become my "suspect".
Do this 2-3 times a week--see if the star pupil keeps getting stronger or weaker. See if your suspect starts to improve. After a few times in the woods, your puppies should be following their olfaction. They should be ranging out of sight--expect them to get out 50 to 100 feet--remember, they are just little puppies. What you are doing is allowing them to develope CONFIDENCE. Dogs/puppies need to "download" all the smells they will encounter when they become adults. Don't worry, EVERY dog has to sort out trash scent, in order to NOT jump hog scent.
At 5-6 weeks old, my pups see the hogs, and will bay through the fence. Maybe a minute or so and go off and be puppies. They see the hogs everytime we go for a walk to the woods. Again, I look for the pup that starts first, and the pup that starts last. At 3-4 months These pups get to go in with the older well started pups and bay a soft hog. When they get grabby, they graduate up a level to a tougher hog.
This is what works for me. I really believe in working with "windows". As with everything, there are those who prefer a different way. But this works for me.