45 night before last. 500 yards from my house. 27 yesterday and last night just on the ranch. I told ya my location you don't need to know the exact ranch. Wow in my post I might treat it as a game sorry if it offends you. The only reason I posted this is to inform others who don't live in this area how many illegals are coming through on a daily basis. On a neighboring ranch last week 168 were caught in a day off of one trail. How many trails through the brush do you know of that 168 hogs go down daily?
Oh i completely understand what you ment and in know way am i offended but just as DJhogdogger clearly stated the situation in mexico. I know alot of people who have been killed for the same reason. If you own a business and trying to do good for your family and yourself its very hard cause the cartel will MAkE you pay them a monthly allowance and if you lack in any way, you and your family are gone in a heartbeat up to brutally tortured in front of one another. Oh i have heard alot of personal stories that i couldnt even think of someone doing such harsh things. So i can clearly see why alot of people are trying to get away from
the threat to try and better and secure their family. I just dont find it right someone trying to make a joke out of it JMo