Hog Dog Mike
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:17:43 pm » |
I got a couple of littermate brothers from a good friend. These dogs were born hating hogs. He had them running loose as pups in the yard. We started cutting a pig and it was the first time either had ever heard a hog of any kind in their life. Here they came wide open and both attacked the hog and we had to beat them off and they still wanted some more.
Right then and there I told my buddy that I was going to buy one of those dogs. He carried me high all day about those dogs saying there was no way he could part with one of them. When I left he gave me both of them. Nobody has ever given be a better gift in my life.
One lived to be 8 and died of narcodia. The other I hunted 12 seasons and he died of a heart attack.