« on: July 23, 2012, 10:15:01 am » |
Dave, I'm not sure how it works with FBMCBOI, but this is how it works with the NALC. The registry will send you a litter application for your female catahoula as soon as the female pup is registered. It list all her ancestry etc. This is not her Registration papers, it is a litter application that you hang onto until she has pups. Once the pups hit the ground you fill out the litter application and send in to the Registry. In a few weeks they send out puppy pappers. A puppy paper is filled out for each pup and given to the new owner and sent in to the registry so that the pup can get it's official Registration Papers. If any of the new pups are female, they will send out a litter application along with the pups official Registration papers and the cycle just repeats itself. I don't know if it works the same with FBMCBOI . You could contact them and find out the procedure. I know this doesn't answer your question exactly. Oh, I almost forgot, Pics,man. Let's see them pups. Abby is due to drop a litter in about 3 weeks. Foundation Blackmouth Cur Breeders Organization Donald Cain Box 291, Bullard, TX 75757
"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be. But PERFORMANCE indicates what the animal actually is."