you can buy the license unless you are behind on child support . you are actualy not supposed to even be around firearms for five years after finishing parole . it is legal in texas for a felon to hunt with primative weapons I.E. a black powder rifle [ pre 1865 or close to it ] the modern muzzle loaders do not apply you can bow hunt with a bow [ no crossbows ] . if you want to hunt without a license hogs yotes ect. you do not have to have a license if you are doing depredation work with a letter from the land owner BUT you are supposed to let the animals rot in the field . the best bet is to buy a license and catch and tie . just go to wallywood and buy a license .
Thank you. You made it pretty clear on what the deal is and yeah I'll only be using my dogs and a rope. Hopefully they don't consider dogs or a rope a weapon haha