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Author Topic: Just for chits and giggles...  (Read 837 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: July 27, 2012, 11:14:52 pm »

I was about 12 years old and was vacationing with my uncle in cali. we went to Yosemite national forest and this country boy was very impressed to say the least. we stopped at a scenic over look on a cliff like deal. There were ropes strung out with warning signs but my dumb young ars decided to step over the ropes for a better look over the edge. the ledge was a huge slab of rock about three football fields big just hanging a couple thousand feet above the valley below. It was just smooth flat rock sitting on about a 20 degree angle so it didnt look dangerous but it had real fine pea gravel all over it. needless to say my feet slipped right out from under me and just like in the movies i was sliding pawing and clawing trying to stop. I slid for maybe 30 feet until i grabbed a little bush growing out of a crack. the bush popped out of the crack but had slowed me down enough to stop me about 20 feet from the edge. i crawled on my hands and knees sweeping pee gravel out of the way on the way back up.. my dad said i was ghost white... asked if i was ok and the beat my butt real good in front of a bunch of slant eyes with cameras. I still thank god for that bush being there.

Victor dog food dealer. Cleveland Texas
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