Man I feel for you but I would say you are not using coomon sense because you are going above and beyond common sense. How many people lose a dog and look for a bit and just leave? I would be pulling every old trick out of my hat I could too. If I could think of anything you have not done I would tell you but you have done everything I can think of and then some. I sure hop that dog turns up for you. I must say that I hope someone is feeding the dog and he escapes. It bothers me that some of the land owners won't let you look for your dog. I wish I could help with something but you are doing a great job and I hope you find your dog.
I will leave Bob alone because he has appologized. We all say things that we wish we could take back. I know I do it a lot. "Mr. Uglydog"
Now that made me laugh so hard Coke came out my nose.