One of the first guys I hunted with was notorious for running in right behind the bulldogs when we'd turn loose. The dogs bayed up in a clump of oak trees with undrerbrush. I turned my bulldogs loose on the edge and he's going in behind her. Its a pretty good boar. He sees the dog coming and chunks her to the side like nothing. My buddy puts on the breaks... as do we and we're hooking it coming out with boar hog on our tail. My buddy trips on a root
....... rolls over and puts his feet out to fight the hog off. Right as the hog hits his feet the bulldog slams the hog again. We leg it... kill the hog... and start the oh sh** did you see that.
The dog had looped around and was coming back for more.
He had some of those Wolverine lace up boots the and the hog had sliced his shoe laces from top to bottom.
He would always pet that dog from then on when he'd see her. She was my first... and best all around catch dog. Thats hog blood in the pic.