« on: August 05, 2012, 11:15:13 pm » |
If you have females in heat and males tied close then when a stray male comes to see it's gonna be a fight. And with your dog tied he's at a definite disadvantage. I'd suggest a couple different scenarios starting with a phone call to the local animal control officer. Yes I know no one really like screwing with those guys but if all your stuff is up to snuff then you have nothing to worry about and you have a legitimate complaint. Next question is in regards to ownership of the loose dogs. If they are just dumped strays and u don't want to involve animal control then let's just say you have the right to protect your working stock dogs and family. If neither of those suits you and building all new kennels is not in the budget then maybe consider at least a perimeter fence around your stake out area. It's likely that most of the material purchased for it could be used when you do get the chance to build some kennels. Kennels or no kennels having a steady stream of loose dogs around is not good for business. If it's not digging in your trash or breeding your prized hog dog or fighting one of your males for the right to breed then it's at least giving YOUR dogs something to bark at all the time which is aggravating enough.