« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2012, 08:43:26 am » |
Last year I was scouting for ducks on some of my dads farmland. There was field was holding water so I was sitting on the gravel road looking for ducks. I saw something that looked a little out of place so I stuck my .22 with scope out the window. It was loaded because I had been squirrel hunting (legally). I still couldn't make out what it was. I looked both ways.......and lobbed a shot out in the vicinity of the thing and it flew up. It was a harrier hawk. I look back in front of me with the gun still hanging out the window and there is a Game Warden truck about 100 yards in front of me. I bout crapped myself. I pulled the gun back in the truck put it in drive and eased down the road. He just waved. I guess he didn't hear or see the shot. I couldn't believe it. I also happened to be right across the road from a wildlife refuge. I drove on and looped around a different way home. About half way home I pass the same Warden who had looped around the oppisite way. As soon as I pass him he slows down and whips into a dead end road and back out the way I was going. Scared the crap out of me again. I wasn't speeding and he never caught up to me but that same Warden gave me a scare 2 times in one day. That fear or adrenaline, whatever you want to call it, isn't worth it. I try to stick with the book. I goof up every now and then but I try.