Everyone watch FOX NEWS, get everyone you can to watch FOX NEWS. Education people as to what Barack has done and intends to do!
His intent is to destroy America as we know it!
Everyone must vote and vote against Obama!
I tell you what I really do believe that Trophyhunting. I think this is part of his plotl and then I think he wants to be the head of them United Nations. I think that is what
he has wanted all along . Hell he has a muslim daddy and was in a muslim school from what I have read many of the Bin Laden people attended this school also and if that is not enuff his mother was a atheis. Do you think this might have pissed the Good Lord off a little bit ?
One nation under God hummmmmmm I tell ya am beginning to wonder any more , he is trying to take the God out of this nation bring it to its knees and replace it with muslims and every other kind of breed that that wears a rag on its head !
Think about it .