yaw are right, they are catching hogs, but how many times do really you see the pig just jump up and run right in front of you? i will admit, that on a couple acassions, the dogs were plum dog tired, as was the 2 guys and myself and we actually saw the hogs, about 80yds in front of us and then they scattered. the dogs took off after them, caught 3 out of probably 20 head. we ended up toting them out, which the boat was a half a mile away and it took 2 trips to get all hogs n dogs back to the boat. that hog hump will never happen again. every scene when they catch the hog, the camera guy has lens on the hog before the dog does and then its like a que card, the dogs take off and hav a lil 100lb hog caught, well 100lbs most of the time. i guess if you are doing what you like (catching hogs) but dont mind stretching a mile of truth and a 10lb bag of sugar coating, then its fine and dandy.
Sounds like they hunt papered Ben dogs to me!!!!