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Author Topic: Best Dogs?  (Read 3489 times)
« on: April 03, 2009, 06:22:48 pm »

The best advice I could give is not to get a dog right now. You are living in Texas now, and will probley go back home when finished here. Dogs live a long time and might not always fit your live style in the future. I would suggest going on lots of  guided hunts with different guides and catch a few big boars in different parts of the state and ask lots of questions about how much there dogs cost to take care of, what are there vet bills like, how much did it cost them at the vet the last time they had to take a dog in that was hurt bad. The most important thing you will learn from the guided hunts is if you have what it takes to be a hog dogger. Everyone loves hunting hogs with dogs until the first time a big boar wrecks a few dogs. I can count ten people that started dog hunting and quite for every one person that is still hunting. Not trying to discurage anyone from hunting with dogs I just think that people jump in to fast and dont think of the long term costs of dog hunting. Also if you have ever been afraid of things that go bump in the woods this might not be the sport for you.
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