« on: August 18, 2012, 11:38:17 pm » |
BA-IV Thanks. Yeah it can be a mouth full when people start askin.
Snachers The Hairy Holders are made of muliple layers of seatbelt webbing, overlapped and stitched together to create more layers with less material with the goal of keeping the gear as light, flexable, protective and unobstuctive to the dogs range of motion. The extra stitching keeps it all in place nice and tight. Also should a tusk cut some stitching the whole thing wont start falling apart before you can get it repaired. In regards to your Texas gear statement. Gear made in this country is focused more on keeping the dog covered up and less on range of motion. But thats just my personal observation.
Thanks 7376
Id be real interested to see how that dog turns out. Just remember to be patient. Anything with hairy blood in it can be slow to mature. Considering whats in her itd be a real surprise to find out she was a cull. That hard core vest is made by Hard Core Hog Dogs. Its inexpensive and seemed like a better solution for puppy training than building a custom vest. That one is beefed up a little and had a girth strap added to hold it down a bit.
Thank God theyre not all in my yard !! Im dog poor enough.lol
Im located in the Georgetown area. Id be game to make some runns with ya. But i have to tell ya if your used to high power strike dogs you may be a bit bored. All mine are short to medium range at best but theyre expected to stop (runners) catch anything they find, and swing till I get there. Just not quite there with my breeding yet.