Nights are for sleeping. Its cooler at 6:00 in the morning than it is at midnight. When you get old its hard to be out late and do much the next day. I coon hunted at least four nights a week for many years and now when the sun goes down, I want to be at the house.
ha ha i'm right thar with you bigo lol hell it's time to eat supper at 4.30 now lol i'm fixing to start hunting at night again [ coon ] but i like to run hogs in the daylite . to me you get on more full blown sounders in the daytime that are bedded up and have a better chance of muliple kills . i am more interested in wipeing out the hog population than hunting them . plus the fact i run these treeing curs and there is alot more involved in the trash breaking part of it when hunting at night . so much more to do .