« on: August 27, 2012, 06:44:55 pm » |
Jadg hit the point. You hvae to believe and prove negligence....negligence is the key word. If the outfitter is a responsible outfitter and guide they understand negligence. If the guide was "just a guy" earning a few bucks and he does not have the competence to be a true guide, you stand little ground for any claim.
I am glad your son is okay. I think the best thing to do is talk to your son and make him realize that he cannot trust just anyone. Every young man must be responsible and recognize when a situation could go bad. I persoanlly ask new hunters and new doggers a lot of questions. If you are a new dogger or a new hunter and you go with me, I call the shots period. In most states at 17 year old is still a minor and should be attended to as such.