Dont try something for a bunch of people that you have never done before...growing up in florida we cooked a bunch of hogs in the banana plants in FL. I used a lot of hot rocks and foill. Go with what you know...if you're not sure, don't try it for a bunch of company. Lord knows your company has an unallowable cost code...Have it catered if you are not sure. How is your dog's leg?
dog is doing good. he is healing excelent and the vet was a little conseaded with his own work. the company i work for are a bunch of cheap a$$es. they cant even pay us national wages, we make $10 an hr less than the same kinda work just off post. my company dont even cater our own food for mandatory events and we have pay our own way and then bring our own food.
we do have lots of rocks over here, i could try the high heat and cook it on rocks. wouldnt be nothing diff than an open pit flat griddel.
the last hog i smoked, it was so tender, it was almost smoked pull pork and when i went to spread the hams apart to brake the sockets, the bone was so soft it pulled apart too. that pig started at 80lbs on the hoof, and ended up barely feeding 10 people and we even had fried bass, catfish, hush puppies, fries, bacon wrapped smoked venison. im hoping 3 100lb hogs will be enough along with what other folks are bringing. i may need 3 120-150lb hogs.