« on: September 12, 2012, 07:33:11 pm » |
since no one gave you an idea on a injection regimen. get some some pennicillin from your local feed store. I use the long lasting. Theres short and long. If your not familiar with proper injection procedure. Start by getting a syringe of at least 5.0 ml capacity. get some pins of between 21-23mmx1"or1-1/2" any larger and your dogs gonna know your stickin him. #1- wipe your pins and your bottle top with alcohol before injection. #2- shake your bottle #3- draw a full pull of air into your syringe dry no pennicillin. #4- turn the bottle upside down and inject the air into the bottle to give it pressure #5- begin to draw 5mls into your syringe. #6- put the cap back on there are two types of injections Subcutaneous (under the skin) Intermuscular (in the muscle) I prefer subcu... This can be done just like a parvo shot Between the shoulder blades or on iether side of the hips. What ever your choice is on the subcu, shoulders or hips, pinch and pull the skin up. With needle in hand, #7- push any air out so that a tiny bit of pennicilin comes out #8- inject in to the base of your pinch horizontally into the skin only not the muscle. #9- slowly and steadily inject all contents #10- when done pinch the skin around the needle and pull out #11- rub the injection spot lightly to move the penn away from the hole so it doesnt come back out. For a common cur size dog 50lbs or so 5ml every other day of lang lasting penn for a week or so untill symtoms improve. For a larger dog twice that amount in two locations same time schedule Hope that helps. Others may do different, that was my(hog dog friendly) vets recomendation Good luck with all your home treatments