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Author Topic: American hoggers  (Read 11553 times)
Strike Dog
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« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2012, 02:06:23 pm »

I have read over and over again on this thread, or other threads about the reality hog hunting shows that have been aired, and people keep saying, "they are acting."
I disagree.  Yes, they may be acting differently than they normally do in their day to day lives, but they aren't in a movie playing a part written by some writer or producer.
Brad Pit can wear a dress and play a transgender in a movie and it's cool, we all know it's a movie and he is ACTING.   
The hunters in these shows aren't actors and they aren't playing parts written by a writers.  These are real people, using their real names, and apparently many of you know them and can attest to their character? 
I'm just saying, if they asked me to be on the show and hunt my dogs, as they did the Creek boys on this episode, I wouldn't trash talk the Campbells or their dogs on camera, no matter what the editors asked me to do.  It's about principal and the value of a mans character.  I was taught you can't put a dollar amount on your character and your word is as good as a written contract.  My dad didn't leave me much when he died many years ago of cancer, but he did leave me his last name and he asked me not to bring dishonor to it.  He might add to that today if he were still here, "and not even for a 30 minute show and it's ratings!"
So here we are today, judging the Creek boys over what we saw of them in a 30 minute show.  For me, what I saw, were men that apparently allowed other men to tarnish their own character just for ratings.  And I have to ask, "was it worth it?"  Mr. Creek bragged of riding bulls for 27 years ( I think he said 27?), but this time, he was the one that got ridden. 

Floresville, Tx
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