It's just another fad thats gonna ruin the breed like it did the catahoulas. They're being mass produced for color and not culled... cause everyone has to have a yella dog. BMC's come in other colors besides yella.
There's just as many cull yella dogs as there are any others... probably more these days.
You said it man exactly they are stock dogs they are not breed to hunt in anyway shape or form. A hound it is breed to produce meat. The dogs are stocks dogs and work well in the terrain of texas where there is a large number of hogs and it doesnt require a cold nose just speed, grit and determination. Seen some good yellas but ill take a hound anyday.
Wrong again.... Stock dogs that were bread by the settlers of texas did hunt! They were multi purpose dogs! They had to help tend the herds! Meaning hunt & find the cows not only hold them but be able to assist in driving long distances! These dogs also had to be able to put meat on the table! Squirrel, deer, coon, bear, big cats, ect... but this is the working facts!
the jack of all trades meat dogs you are talking about were/are the mt. cur...but most well built mutts will make good meat dogs if they get hungry enough...
it thought the high cull rate went back before the early 1980's...
one day I want to go on a hunt with nothing but purebred yellow dogs in a woods bottom where there are a few hogs and I want to see the dogs range out and find the hogs and then bring them to bay even if it takes 4 hours of running and trailing through the thick brush and through a few 10 acre briar patches...not trying to be a smart butt but I really want to see this...