I don't know....I don't think it's nessesarily that people "hate" on the breed. From things I have read, I gather that it's more of a "why pay such a large amount for one of these dogs, when it does basically the same thing a bulldog can do, with less feed on top of that" type deal. Maybe I'm wrong. I have nothing against them at all, I've never owned one. I have great bulldogs, and if I need a lil' extra size, I have a real dependable American Bulldog that has hellafied strength, size, and a great handle that gets the job done when need be. I personally just don't have the need to go spend bookoo bucks on a Dogo.
I completely understand, me personally id like to pack a 44mag(dogo) with me in the woods rather than packing a .22 caliber with shorts in it. Lol. Thats another reason people bash em is cause the price on them. Im just gona stop before i get baned.