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Author Topic: What's up with all the pigs for sale?  (Read 1953 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: October 01, 2012, 01:22:36 pm »

Well lets see... If you have no four wheeler/ATV or just access in general to where the hog is caught? Man, sometimes there is just no other option, that is unless you want to call the hunt and spend a few hours dragging that beast through briar thickets, up and down creek banks, etc. I mean don't get me wrong, i LIKE to catch and tie but sometimes it's just not feasible. As far as selling them goes I'm with halfbreed. Nothing wrong with making a little money. Heck, you can pick up shiatsu all day long for 10 to 25 depending on size. That ain't bad.
I have hunted a very long time with no 4-wheeler ect and i or we carried or dragged every single hog i was ever in on catching out.. Dead or Alive no matter how far out we were.. several Miles sometimes.. If not we turned it loose.. Even when i hunted alone. I live catch mostly so when i  get rested a while i go again or whatever the group wants to do. if i killed it i called it the night or packed the body with ice and tried to get another after i took it back to the truck..  I don't understand people that hunt and kill a animal and do not eat it or find someone that will. If you don't plan on eating it and you have no pen to keep it in and it is farther than you want to walk,  turn it loose for another day or DON"T GO to begin with! The only excuse to me for killing a hog and leaving it is if you are a rancher or farmer ect and protecting your property and animals/Crops( Not Hunting), or if the hog is sick looking and you know their is something wrong with it, or your hurt or have a dieing dog.. Myself and My dogs are more important than any hog..  If you load up dogs and drop them on the ground you are planning on hunting and if so and you get a hog, Do the right thing or stay at home if your not willing to do the work. Hog hunting is not for sissies and getting them out is part of the job as well as being a responcible hunter. 4-wheelers and buggies are nice but not everyone can afford them or hunt in areas you can use them, they are not a must have item to hog hunt. JMO.

If you have your own lease, you are correct, turn them loose for another day. We turned all our sows and small boars out when i first started hunting. The place was a private lease and there were no crops within 25 miles. That being said, if you dont own or lease the land I would bet money that here in Texas and probably in Florida too, if the land owner finds out your turning them out after catching them you won't be hunting that place much longer.

"Let's talk some philosophy"
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