« on: October 03, 2012, 11:10:58 pm » |
i have my hide hung and drying getting most the moisture out now depending on how this turns out ill post my steps im trying to do the whole thing all natural no chemicals all natural resources ill list my steps either way that worked, right now its dripping water like crazy i am going to brain tan the hide i have the head in the freezer i noticed someone said to boil i was on the understanding that u keep the water where u didnt cook the brain and could work the hide by hand in the solution anyway i got alot of the fleshing done today i wanted to get it out of the way but prob still a few hours to go i will be using brain out of the same hogs head its in my freezer like i said all natural but i still dont know exactly how to get the brain out please keep the input coming steps so far
1 field dress and skinned animal out
2 fleshing removing all the fat and meat from the hide
3 salted hide to draw moisture out
4 hung up the hide so it could dran
5 froze the head to retrieve brain later