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Author Topic: Perry Dogs  (Read 7099 times)
Hog Master
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« Reply #40 on: October 11, 2012, 09:29:33 am »

Tony, you have done a good job popularizing these dogs...

I'm curious to see how many "Perry" dogs start showing up in the dog trade before too long..  Grin

Hopefully not too many bc then they'll become watered down like most dogs for sell on the dog trade. Most of the people that own some are in it for the dogs and not the $$$ to be made. I'm not trying to popularize them, just trying to find out as much knowledge on the dogs we can. To me it's cool seeing how many dogs go back and are related to the perry dogs in one shape, form or another. The line I get to hunt behind is just a branch of the tree that started back in the 50's. there are many other branches that have just as colorful backgrounds and good dogs. We really ony have one perry dog that ours go back to. That was the ace of Spades Dixie, so it's hard to even say the ones we hunt are perry dogs. I would call ours more Woodruffs with perry blood in their past

Get ahead dog!
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