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Author Topic: Catch Dog Advice.  (Read 1197 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: October 24, 2012, 10:07:03 am »

If your dog doesn't know what a hog is, you can't expect him to just do it. The one hog he has seen was on familiar ground so he had some confidence there. Until he is exposed to enough hogs to figure out that's what "HE" wants to do, be it catch or bay, he's probably not gonna just run one down. There are many variables. Has he been hauled around, been to the woods where he would be comfortable getting through the brush, how well does he know you, how big was the second hog compared to the first hog? All these things affect the confidence of the dog. Without confidence he is just a dog. It's up to you to build that confidence. Dogs are pack animals which means they are like gangsters, tougher in numbers. The more there are the braver they get. If your gonna start taking him to the woods, do it with a dog he knows and that you know is gonna set the example you want him to learn by. Force is never the right way to get a dog to turn on. He has to think it's his idea to do it. When he does what your wanting then make a big deal out of it with praise. Let him know your on his team. Think like a dog, not like a person.
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