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Author Topic: **MECHANICS**  (Read 3210 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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2 burnin, 6 turnin powered by diesel

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« on: October 25, 2012, 10:29:07 pm »

does it have coil packs or electronic ignition? pull a plug, have some1 turn it over with the plug is grounded where the end of the plug can be observed. if it aint sparkn, then check the coil wire to the distributor cap and see if you can get a spark from the coil, if so, check the distributor, it may be bad. i dont much about elec ign, i like points, minus the adjustment.
yes its electric ign but its parked at the shop right now till the weekend and only got my lunch break to really mess with it so I haven't torn into it to much the dang distributor cap is up against the firewall.. gotta take the intake and throttle body off to get to it and I tried takin the plugs off to check for spark but wire ain't wantin to come off the dang plug.But if it ain't startin with ether it wouldn't be gettin spark would it?

generaly no it wouldnt start if ehter is being sprayed, but are you spraying ether in the intake/filter housing or directly into the throttle body? if through the throttle body, then no, no spark. if into the filter housing, it may be a blockage from a rat or bird nest leading from filter housing to intake. if you can get the plug wires off with a bit of umphh, then you might aswell go ahead and replace the wires and plugs, so just cut the wire boot if you can get to it with a knife or razor blade, if you cant get to it to cut, a pair of pliers will work with a little twisting action. if you pull the metal connector from the wire, spread the connector, place the inner wire over the outter shielding and recrimp the connector and put the plug back into the boot and turn the eng over. if no spark, ensure the gap is set and the grounding point is clean so it can get a clear connection for the spark. if still no spark, pull the distro cap and ck the elec with in the distor housin, there might be a corroded connection, or just a plain burned out ignition. you may have to invest in a new distro, if still no spark, after new distro, ck the coil, but it may help to ck the coil first before buying a new distro. its been 10yrs or so since i farted with a gas burner, so if im missing something and there are some other gas burner goo-roos out there, please correct me on my trouble shooting steps.

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