I believe our country is now a plutocracy (run by a few select number of people). What has caused this is a bill Obama passed that allow corperations to be considered individuals when it comes to campaign donations. It is now legal for corporations to donate any amount of money to an individuals campaign. If companies x,y,z donated $X to ones campaign, who do you think that person is going to listen to, the people or the corporations?
The bulk of your statement is your opinion and I am fine with it. This however is inaccurate. Obama did
NOT pass a bill that allowed corporations to donate unlimited amounts to campaigns.
In 2010, the Supreme Court in a case called Citizens United vs. FEC, ruled that the First Amendment prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. This was a 5-4 vote and the 5 voting for it were the conservative justices.
Citizens United in a conservative non-profit that wanted to air a movie on TV in 2004 that was negative to Hillary Clinton. The FEC stopped them. They litigated it and the SC ruled in 2010.
IMO, Citizens United did have a detrimental effect on this election.
BTW, it is illegal in Texas for a corporation to make a donation to a political candidate ... and is not done.