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Author Topic: questions  (Read 518 times)
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Hog Catching Machine
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« on: November 15, 2012, 06:05:24 pm »

cheston when a squirrel [ TIMBERS ] or changes trees some dogs will follow by site and some dogs just lock down on the tree , comp. people prefer the latter . no problem getting the dog to tree both coon and squirrel just work them on both . just like hunting dogs some need a tracker for safety's sake other than a coon squaller for coons and a good lite that's about it . i'm traning my mnt. cur and leopard hound to hunt both as we speak . they call them combo dogs . my ol walker gyp i had  would work both with ease . oh and some good ol thigh high waders help on a cold nite when you have to wade out in the swamp and get the dogs lol and if your like me a gps of some sorts help  lol . sometime when you have three people in the woods with you and all of you are circleing the tree looking up , and after you kill the coon each person points in a differant direction as to wich way the truck is . aahhhh good memories  lol

X2 ... other than in the comp sq hunts I liked a dog that would timber and hold the tree till the group or judge got there vs a lock down on the first tree kinda dog as most dogs would pull to it and I would get the points for having the meat. Now days a garmin would be a handy item to have too.

Bryant Mcdonald
New Caney, Tx.
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