Thanks guys I appreciate it, and I'm sure Blake does as well! They actually all came out lookin' very similar. Three were brindle, but one was dark like Soka is. I took the pair that were the same color and one is a male (I've always been partial to that fawn brindle
). Blake kept the male that looks like Fred's mom. The last male was a runt. I think there were 4 saddle backs. One was the male runt, and I have one of those females. So far I like em a lot... they stay pretty quiet unless they're hungry, and are full of energy. Probably going to start doing hotdog draggs soon just to see if I can tell any difference in the pups at a young age. I let them out of the kennel yesterday and put their food up wind and they were all using their noses trying to find it. Anyone have any other suggestions of things to do to keep em busy and test them?