I'll start off by sayin that I only have one dog and it rides with me in my tahoe , so i cant tell you about how great the box works for dogs. I also don't know the name of the company that made the box .
I bought my box from an ex-duck hunter / feild trail guy at my job and he used it for his labs.He had it in a 2003 gmc truck ... I believe it was. He liked the box but he got out of workng dogs and into show dogs (weirdo guy) The box has an adjustable fan in it and also a light that turns on when the tool box is opened . There is air vents on the opposite side of the doors that open and close but I still don't think I'd risk having a dog in there long during a summer day....
It works great for me in that I have somewhere to put ropes , rachet straps , car jack and other things to get me out of a bad situation.
I wish I couldve been more help but here's some pictures